BodyGem MedGem Mouthpieces Filters

BodyGem Mouthpieces Filters21-packs of BodyGem and MedGem mouthpieces are $299

The MedGem and BodyGem mouthpiece filters are bite-wing style filters, that make it easy for the client to maintain a tight seal, while allowing them to relax and swallow easily during the measurement.

Other indirect calorimeters use an oval mouthpiece, which can make it difficult to maintain a tight seal, and can make it hard for your client to swallow, which can cause drooling.

If you’ve taken advantage of the 63-Filter Value Pack in the past, we’re working on offering new discount pricing. Contact us for more details.


To place your order, complete the order form with your shipping address and billing address if it’s different. And then call us @ 720-431-1461 with payment information.

We accept purchase orders from companies that have a net-30 credit account set up with us.


Online ordering for U.S. deliveries only. There’s no tax. UPS Ground shipping applies.

Click on the Add To Cart button to purchase 21-packs of mouthpiece filters and nose clips for $299.

The shipping charge stays at $15 when you order online, no matter how many 21-packs you order, which saves you money.

BodyGem | BMR Calculator | Indirect Calorimetry | BodyGem Analyzer | BodyGem Mouthpieces | BodyGem Price